Tradisia is many things to many people. It is a Master Plan to personal
success, a comprehensive long-term project to change the system. But it is also a success
movement, a philosophy of life, a quest to improve the world, a business, and a distinct
Spiritual Path.
Tradisia is my life, my hope, my wish, my dream, my
fantasy, my everything. It is my antidote against life's ills and the inhumanity and
obscenity of organizations and institutions. It is what I make it to be. It can be your
religion, too.
You can freely adopt Tradisia to suit your beliefs and
needs. In Tradisia, there are no preconceptions, no membership dues to pay,
no dogma to tyrannize you, ever. The idea is to help people become the individuals
they are, truly and completely.
Tradisia is simply Life Without Rules. It is
the only free religion which is adaptable to the needs of all individuals, all creeds, all
paths. It allows you complete control over your own life as an individual.
Freedom, equality and prosperity - they can all be yours. Read 'The
Individualist Manifesto' inside. You, too, can live beyond egoistic ordinariness,
pseudo-capitalism and passive religious spirituality.
Tradisia is the emerging philosophy for the New Age.
Dedicated and making a contribution to the evolution of the human psyche in the natural
pattern. Its products and services are interrelated and linked inextricably to this
central theme of humanity coming to terms with its bloated self-importance and
self-reflection in an irrationally intelligent, ever-changing, ever-dynamic universe.
In its products and services, you will find a natural synthesis of the
wisdom of East and West, North and South. Tradisia exists to help people everywhere
improve themselves with personal success through the power of constructive imagination and
an impeccable life.
You are invited to join the quest and make your contribution to life as
an INDIVIDUAL as a new evolutionary era dawns upon our world. Infinite riches and power
are within you. Awaken and share them around and discover the joys of living. Together,
we, as true individuals shall make the difference to the way things are now...
Why am I doing this? Certainly not for money, power or fame! Tradisia
is not an organization, not an institution, not a cult, not a sect, not a secret society. Tradisia
is nothing and yet it can be everything you want it to be. It is the business of life,
truly and completely.
"I can, I will, I dare, and I do!" What about you,
my fellow time traveler?
