TRADISIA is Light, Life and Love. You need to live without rules or by your own rules, and not by the rules of other people if you want to succeed in life. Be yourself, truly and completely! TRADISIA ...where individuals live impeccably without rules!

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The Individualist
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What is 'The Individualist'? It is one of the many varied ways I go about changing the world as an individual. I am only one, but I am one, and as one I shall do what I can in doing what no one else can because I am unique. That's the way it is, isn't it, my fellow individual?

The easiest way for me to tell you about 'The Individualist' is through its sales circular which is reproduced below. I am not a trained copywriter although I write all my circulars. If my circular confuses you, read it again and again until you understand. I have read it many times and it seems pretty good to me. Well, have fun reading! I enjoyed myself thoroughly writing it!


The secret to a happy life lies in being able to FREELY distinguish a truth from a falsehood, a fact from fiction, and the real from the unreal!     "Be yourself, truly and completely!"

Daring, informative and fascinating reading! A plan for personal power. You may never have another chance to access the useful knowledge in this delightfully honest journal again.



At last! An effective way to empower yourself with the power you need to overcome your fears, lack and limitations! “Be yourself, truly and completely” is the secret of success throughout the ages. To achieve this and lead a successful and happy life is what 'The Individualist' is all about.
    THE ‘SYSTEM’ SUCKS! The Individualist is the unique monthly journal of TRADISIA, also known as ‘Life Without Rules’. It focuses on truths, freedom, issues that are ignored by authority figures and the art of succeeding in life as an individual. You will find news, ideas, tips and comments that you cannot find in the regular newspapers and magazines. A life-affirming, progressive, profound guide to succeeding in life! Ageless wisdom.

Secretly, the ‘system’ (organizations, institutions and authority figures) have been brainwashing you from the day you were born until your death through your parents, teachers, the school system, the workplace, the radio, television, books, newspapers, magazines and advertising. The negative influence from the authority figures you know (your teachers, parents, friends, priests, relatives, superiors and government officials) have tricked you into accepting complacency, poverty, averageness, mediocrity, disease and submissiveness as a way of life. You have been tricked, brainwashed, and whipped into pseudo-rational living and obedience through years of schooling, family life and employment.

Today, more and more people are moving away from organized living. Organized business and all social groupings are in serious trouble. The greed, selfishness, poverty, pain, suffering, misery, intolerance, violence and vices you see around you are all the direct result of the organized way of doing things in the ‘system’. People in authority will NOT admit to this fact.

There is an urgent need for you and other concerned individuals to read this newsletter so that you can consciously and deliberately make intelligent choices in life. This is a reality often deliberately misrepresented by all authority figures.

The way forward in life is to be an individual, not a member, spectator, associate, follower, zombie, robot citizen or, submissive person. You have to be yourself, truly and completely to realize your dreams. Break away from the negative influences and brainwashing being inflicted upon you by all those in authority now.

Many of the troubles in this world are caused by the system of organizations, institutions and authority figures. In life or nature, there are ACTUALLY no rules, no fuss, no mess, no organizations. The universe is intelligent but irrational like us. Now, after thousands of years of civilized living, it is time we say, “Enough is enough!”


The Individualist promotes ideas that build great individuals to help to make the world a level-playing field for all life-forms without discrimination. It spreads truths, freedom, equality and prosperity because these are the conditions necessary for individualism to flourish. It promotes individualism, non-conformism, free thinking and intelligent living to counter the negative influences from organizations. It will surely inform, train, educate and guide YOU to grow up to be the best you can be.

There are no limits to what you can do as an individual but there are thousands of limitations to your abilities, skills and talents if you are not. Nothing is too good to happen for you if you are an individual but not if you are not one. Live in delight to reclaim your rights to individualism and your share of the world’s wealth. Nothing is too good to be true for you. Nothing is too small or too much for you to handle.

The Individualist is original, thought-provoking, controversial and radical. It is nonsectarian, non-discriminating. Highly readable! A journal of freedom, happiness and success. It can be your trusted friend, teacher and mentor as you journey through life. If you need a friend, someone or something to make you to do what you can to succeed in life, you will find much inspiration and motivation from The Individualist. It is creative reading. It is fun and challenging. It is worthy of your time.

Dare to dream and hope! Assert your individuality. There is a way to live a 100 percent every single day, not just once in a while. There is a way to be the person you want to be in a life of your own making.

Take charge and turn your life around now. The Individualist offers you the best vehicle and means to realize your dreams. It is the fast and easy way to bring positive results into your life. Break away from all those who seek to control you through fears, lack or limitations. Adopt our battle-cry of  “I can, I will, I dare, and I do!”

The Individualist can work wonders for you, too! You may never know what it is like to be truly until you read The Individualist. If you are unaware of the negative influences in your life, if you don’t know how to overcome them, if you don’t reprogram, repattern, retrain your mind now, you will end up as another victim of the system!


When you subscribe to The Individualist, you are also given a free income opportunity. No fees needed. This is a lucrative Sales Plan for earning an extra income.

Here is how it works. Introduce other people to subscribe to The Individualist and you will receive a 30% commission on their subscriptions. When they introduce others, you will also receive a referral income of 10% of the subscription fees. And, when the others introduce others more to subscribe, you will again receive a referral income of 10%. Thus, your commission structure will be 30% + 10% + 10%. There is NO LIMIT to how much you can earn in commissions. There is no limit to how much you can earn in referral income from the efforts of your customers and others. You could earn hundreds or thousands of dollars. It is up to you, really!

To start earning income, you only have to distribute this commission circular to your friends and other prospects all over the world. Yes, that simple! There are no meetings, no inventory, no paperwork, no hassle. You will receive 30% for all your personal sales, 10% on sales by your customers, and a further 10% on sales by your customer’s customers.


- Annual subscription fee (12 issues): US$42 (US$30 + US$12 by Airmail). Single copy or back issue: US$4 (RM12).

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- In Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei, special annual subscription fee: only RM84, postpaid. A limited time offer. Hurry!


Experience for yourself the power to be what you want to be. Question the existence of everything. Reach higher planes of existence. Learn innovative procedures and techniques for self-development.

The Individualist is an enjoyable and practical magazine for everyone, all students, all adults. The Individualist is crucial reading to awaken your awareness and guide you down the road to success. It is a great value for your time and money. Enhance your knowledge and appreciation of the realities of life. Beat the system! Overcome your circumstances. Order Today!
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TRADISIA, P. O. Box 17, 81307 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.

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Individuals of the world, I ask you to do your part in changing the 'system' of organizations and institutions today. Enough is enough!

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Tradisia is Life, Money, Success! Tradisia is living beyond the blatant materialism, beyond time management, beyond a positive mental attitude, beyond the spirituality preached by organized religions.

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Last modified: July 18, 1998